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Ongoing Projects
Physics and Collision Detection Engine 2.0
Summary/Description of project
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Physics and Collision Detection Engine
Summary/Description of project
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Overview of Education
Degree - University of Central Lancashire (2020 - 2024)
BSc Computer Games Development (Hons): First ClassA Levels - Runshaw College (2016 - 2018)
- Computer Science: B
- Physics: B
- Maths: B
GCSEs - Hutton C of E Grammar School (2011 - 2016)
- Physics: A
- Maths: A
- Computer Science: B
- Biology: B
- Chemistry: B
- English: 5
- Relogious Studies: C
- Food Technology: C
Work Experience
Overview of work experience summary
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Date at job
Job Summary
Optional List
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- Learned